Mind Over Matter

Mind Over Matter


I completed the adidas Sundown ultramarathon (84km or 52 miles) in 12 hrs 28 mins 5 secs.

84k Ultra 2

Really quite happy, considering the furthest I’d ever run prior to this was the 25km Passion Run last weekend and I didn’t know I was going to run in the 84km ultra until 2 weeks before the race. I can tell you, though, starting a run at 6pm and racing through the night until 6 in the morning is just, plain brutal. Will be kind to body in the future and make sure I go into a race prepared :)

More details, photos, videos, and ponderings to come!

For now, I sleep. Then I need to go get leg transplants

sahara race jane 2Proudly donning the finisher t-shirt!

Race stats:
sahara race jane 3

sundown facts

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