Make some noise, folks!

Make some noise, folks!

sahara race 250km 38I’m sharing (digital) space with Bono!

Did an interview with 8flo in late August and they were kind enough to put me on the front page, Highlight #1, to drum up publicity prior to the fund raiser party last weekend. Thank you so much, folks :) Truly honoured. The turnout for the party was superb in no small part due to your help. Also, love that there’s a funky/wise collection of quotes on the side bar of every page, like “love does not consist of gazing at each other but at looking together in the same direction.” – Antoine De Saint-Exupery

In other news, this site has exceeded 4,000 pageviews a month. Wow. Really? You people are awesome.

And in the latest round of More Information Than You Care To Know, one of the toe nails I had epically lost after the 84km race is back! Well, 80% back…

Anyway. Um.

…The end!

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